Thankyou for completing the application form(s). You now need to pay us.
To renew your membership click here.
The payment options are:
- Journals sent by e-mail £9.53 – UK or Europe. Pay using Paypal (PREFERRED)
- Journals sent by e-mail £9 – UK or Europe. Pay using cheque or BACS
- Journals sent by post £13.15 – UK only. Pay using Paypal (PREFERRED)
- Journals sent by post £12.50 – UK only. Pay using Cheque or BACS
- Europe – Journals sent by post £20.90 – Europe. Pay using Paypal (PREFERRED)
- Europe – Journals sent by post £20 – Europe. Pay using cheque or BACS
We prefer Paypal as the payment is made to us immediately and the admin is much easier.
For members, the cost is less than a postage stamp.
Paypal payment
Please put your name and member number in the reference box
Please send your cheque, payable to The Gentry Register, to our Treasurer:
Bruce Newman
Old Watercombe, Branscombe, Seaton, Devon EX12 3BT
His email is:
Our details are:
Account name:The Gentry Register,
Account No 21407732,
Sort Code 40-38-21
Please put your name and member number in the reference box
Please consider setting up an annual standing order for your annual membership renewal.
Thankyou. Our Secretary will be in touch with your membership card and number.
Your renewal will be active once we receive your payment.