Membership Payments

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Membership fees are:

  • UK  – £12.50 per year with paper Journals, PayPal surcharge add 65p
  • Europe – £20 per year with paper Journals, PayPal surcharge add 90p
  • UK or Europe – £9.00 per year with Journals sent by email in PDF format, PayPal surcharge add 53p.


Please send your cheque, payable to The Gentry Register, to our Treasurer:

Bruce Newman
Old Watercombe, Branscombe, Seaton, Devon EX12 3BT

His email is:


Our details are:
Account name:The Gentry Register,
Account No 21407732,
Sort Code 40-38-21

Please put your name (and member number if renewal) in the reference box


(the relevent surcharge will be added)

UK  – £12.50 per year with paper Journals, PayPal surcharge adds 65p

Europe – £20 per year with paper Journals, PayPal surcharge adds 90p

UK or Europe – £9.00 per year with Journals sent by email in PDF format, PayPal surcharge adds 53p

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