Pay Us

For renewal payments please click here.

For new membership payments please click here.

You may send us money in the following ways.


Please send your cheque, payable to The Gentry Register, to our Treasurer:

Bruce Newman
Old Watercombe, Branscombe, Seaton, Devon EX12 3BT

His email is:


Our details are:
Account name:The Gentry Register,
Account No 21407732,
Sort Code 40-38-21

Please put your name and member number in the reference box


(the relevant surcharge will be added)

Error! Missing PayPal API credentials. Please configure the PayPal API credentials by going to the settings menu of this plugin.

Please also email the Treasurer with your name and membership number explaining what the payment is for.

If you have a question about this website, please email the webmaster at